Fearless She Wrote Newsletter

Monthly Newsletter, July 8, 2020

Fearless She Wrote Editorial Team
Fearless She Wrote
4 min readJul 8, 2020


Fearless readers and writers — it’s July.

How? How is it already July? And yet, here we are — moving both quickly and slowly (somehow at both speeds, simultaneously), into the summer months. We’ve managed to remain busy here at Fearless, reading and publishing your incredible stories, and also working on a couple of other projects.

We’ve been working on our podcast, Fearless She Spoke!

That’s right! The Fearless She Wrote editors are now hosting a bi-weekly podcast. The episodes are presented round-table style, and we’re delving into conversations around feminism, mental health, and the world today!

We’re looking forward to growing this podcast with you — and we’re hoping to invite guest speakers to join our conversations very soon.

Fearless She Spoke can be found on Spotify, iTunes, or your other favorite podcast streaming site. Additionally, we link all episodes from our website, Fearless She Wrote, as soon as they are available.

We’ve also launched a Patreon!

We never imagined that our community would grow to be the empowering place that it is, and we could never have done it without you.

We could not be prouder, or more humbled by our brilliant and beautiful writers and their endless willingness to share their vulnerabilities and voices with the world.

The $5 level of our Patreon includes one bonus podcast episode per month (topic chosen by you — our Patreon supporters!) and a chance at winning our Monthly Merch Draw.

Your willingness to support us means the world to us, and allows us to dedicate more time and resources toward managing the safe space that is Fearless She Wrote.

For more information about our Patreon, please feel welcome to click here, or find us at Patreon.com by searching “Fearlesscommunity.”

Coming soon: Fearless She Wrote & Fearless She Spoke merchandise!

At this time next month, we hope to be ready to launch our Fearless merchandise. We’re currently working with design teams and online stores to bring you Fearless stickers, t-shirts, and mugs — among others!

The Fearless store will be linked to our website — so stay tuned for updates!

As always, we wish you safety, happiness, and health. Thank you for joining us on this journey.

June’s Featured Authors and Essays

Magda Erockfor Ayuk

Must-read essay: Navigating Violent Racism as a Black Woman in Korea

Writing from: Atlanta, GA, USA — after spending the last six years in Seoul.

Fun facts: Magda is an Afro-jazz singer/burlesquer who creates wellness programs based on ancestral practices.

Christine Schoenwald

Must-read essay: I Was Punished for Rejecting My College Instructor

Writing from: Glendale, CA, USA— 10 minutes from Downtown L.A.

Fun facts: Though Christine wasn’t raised with any religion (and still isn’t religious), she’s obsessed with Jesus Christ Superstar.

S.C. Langgle

Must-read essay: The Secret Society of Dungeon Work

Writing from: Baltimore, MD, USA— after spending ten years in Los Angeles.

Fun facts: SC went to a performing arts high school and was a piano major. She studied dance throughout college, before finally coming back to writing as the art form necessary to tell her story.

Laura Fox

Must-read essay: I Was Labeled a Slut for Being Sexually Assaulted

Writing from: The UK

Fun facts: Laura collects many 1950s style dresses.

Carrie Wynn

Must-read essay: The Stigma Around Mental Health is Alive and Well

Writing from: Colorado, USA

Fun facts: During spring break in college, Carrie bought a one-way ticket to Australia, deciding to go for it! After college, she traveled there and bartended for a year before starting her professional career.

Connect with us!

Find us on Twitter for more great stories, or Instagram for podcast news.

