Four Yellow Flags That Can Quickly Evolve Into Red Flags

#3. Partying/drinking is at the forefront of their life

Carrie Wynn
Fearless She Wrote


Most of us are able to look back on our relationships and identify behaviors that were red flags.

That’s great, but it’s easy to look back on red flags because they are often blatant.

What about the signs beforehand? The ones that we chose to ignore even though they were an indicator of the toxic behaviors that were to follow?

“There is an underlying nugget of truth to the notion that before a new partner exhibits a classic red flag, say, putting you down or making fun of you, there was something that was already happening. Whatever that was is the yellow flag.” -Psychology Today

I am a huge believer that there are little things that we often miss when our rose-colored glasses at on.

Now, some of these signs wouldn’t normally be dealbreakers but I believe they are behaviors that should be monitored to ensure that they don’t go into the red flag territory.

For example…

#1. A less than stellar work ethic

I have a friend who had a boyfriend that consistently lept from job to job. At first, this wasn’t necessarily a negative trait…



Carrie Wynn
Fearless She Wrote

❦ Writer/coach specializing in relationships. Blog: Instagram: carrie_wynnmusings Support by: