How to Strive and Thrive in Life and Work

Let your passion, discipline, and perseverance be your compass in life.

Chelsea Rose
Fearless She Wrote


Source: Creative Commons

“Rising early makes the road short.” - African proverb

Rise and shine. There are enough articles online listing successful business leaders and entrepreneurs who wake up at the unholy hour of 5:00 am or even earlier. I’m not interested in that, and I’m sure you have heard it all before.

So let’s take a slightly different approach. Instead of waking up at 7:30 am, you arise at 6:30 am. That single hour may not seem significant, but it gives you 20 extra hours per month to work on your side hustle or personal development. Rise 2 hours earlier, and you have 40 additional hours. That’s pretty much an extra workweek available for you to hone your craft or live your best life.

Whether you want to learn a new language, meditate, advance your education, start a consultancy business or niche out a career as a writer, fitness instructor, etc., you need to prioritize your time and focus on your target. Think that extra hour a day won’t make much of a difference?

Perhaps these women will change your mind.

