I Called It Love, Others Called It Statutory Rape

I was 16 the first time a man 20 years my senior told me he loved me.

Adan Kovinich
Fearless She Wrote


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

I hope you die peacefully, in your sleep, just kidding. I hope it hurt like you hurt me. I hope when you think of me, you can’t breathe. — The Chicks

I was 16 the first time he told me he loved me. A man, 20 years my senior, looked me in the eyes and said, “I love you, Adan.” The hopeless romantic in me that read far too many Danielle Steele novels believed it.

Do you remember your first love? That puppy dog feeling, the obsession and IMing each other as often as possible. Maybe you had sex with your first love. Was it planned, romantic, awkward, or an unforgettable experience on the couch in your parent's basement? Was your first love unforgettable?

As a young teen, I always imagined my first love to be passionate, unforgettable, and romantic. I pictured some of the best movie scenes and put myself in their shoes. I wanted someone to love me hard.

I met a man on an online dating service when I was 16. It was the very early days of Tinder. 2014 was a great time to fall in love online. He was 36, tall, blonde, and loved fine wine. I was smitten, to…



Adan Kovinich
Fearless She Wrote

I am an anxious 20-something-year old writing about all things sales, finance, love, sex, and mental illness. www.morementalhealthdays.com