“I Could Never Date A Woman Like You”

Not everyone can handle a driven woman and that’s okay.

Faith Ann
Fearless She Wrote


When I was 17, my closest guy friend frankly told me, “Faith I am objectively attracted to you but I could never date you. I think you’re awesome and I respect the hell out of you but your drive would just make me feel insecure.”

Those words were the first time I was transparently exposed to this mindset, I had my suspicions but now it had been confirmed.

Someone I loved and respected said I would be perfect as a partner except for the fact that I’m too driven. Although I was surprised at the seemingly unprompted conversation, I really respected his side.

My friend understood his own personal limitations and was vulnerable enough to share them. He didn’t shame me for my drive or accomplishments, he applauded them. But he acknowledged that we would never work as a couple because my drive and accomplishments would be too much for his ego.

I have often thought of this teenage interaction when I have encountered men and women with similar beliefs. To date, his reaction to my drive has been the most mature and introspective.

My drive and accomplishments have always been a third party in my romantic relationships. Either people were enamored by my drive or threatened…



Faith Ann
Fearless She Wrote

Escapades of a 20-something-year old! Writing about relationships, culture, and whatever else pops into my messy mind! https://faithann.substack.com/