I Realized I Had Been Taught To Hate My Vagina

Breaking down 5 myths surrounding one of my favorite body parts.

Nadège, sex scholar
Fearless She Wrote
Published in
8 min readFeb 22, 2020


Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

Why is c*nt the naughtiest word in the English language? I know the British love to throw it around with particular vigor. Yet as a Californian, I quickly learned that this word was the reigning queen of vulgarity: she-who-must-not-be-named.

I was in the seventh grade when Zachary was dared to utter the worst curse word he knew. I expected to hear him mutter a word that rhymed with duck. Instead, he quickly spat out a different four-letter word.

Can’t? Is that what Zack said?

I immediately asked for clarification, desperately equating maturity with knowing naughty words. A harrowing silence fell, no one wanted to answer my question. Finally, one of the boys divulged that cunt means vagina.

This was my introduction into a terrifyingly normal aspect of our culture: hating the vagina.

Really, I should say vulva, as the vagina only refers to the birth canal. It’s the vulva people are really referencing when conjuring the image of a vagina.

Whatever you like to call her, I learned something monumental that day. Vulva’s are contaminated and unspeakable…



Nadège, sex scholar
Fearless She Wrote

Sex scholar & bestselling author featured in Cosmo, Women's Health, & The History Channel. Learn what your natural sex strengths are → PleasureScience.com