I Really Need a Wife, Even Though I’m a Heterosexual Woman

I can’t compete with married men unless I also have their most valuable asset.

Karen Banes
Fearless She Wrote


The first time I heard a heterosexual woman say she needed a wife was around ten years ago. She and I were both moms who worked part-time and had also chosen to go back to school full-time. We were juggling assignment deadlines, work schedules, volunteering at our kids’ schools, raising those kids, and running a home.

She had some extra errands to run that day and just needed someone to delegate them to. Someone who would do them correctly and efficiently, without complaining, without asking to be paid, or praised, or even thanked. She really did need a wife. We all do sometimes.

We need someone who will take care of all the extra little things that need to be done on a day-to-day basis, so we can focus on what’s important. We need them to do these things well, in a timely fashion, for free, without asking for anything in return. We also need them to know enough about the situation to not need extensive directions, and enough about our family (from their shoe sizes to their food preferences) to ensure everyone’s needs are met.

A wife is an awesome asset.



Karen Banes
Fearless She Wrote

Freelance writer sharing thoughts on life, society, creativity, and productivity. https://changetheworldwithwords.substack.com