I Snooped Through My Husband’s Phone and Hated What I Found

Does curiosity kill the relationship?

Holly Paige
Fearless She Wrote


Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Have you ever thought about sneaking a peek at your significant other’s phone? More importantly — have you ever given in to the temptation and actually done it?

I have. Very recently.

For the first time ever in our 11-year relationship, I snuck a glimpse at my husband’s phone, which he had left out on the table after going to bed.

According to a survey by Whistle Out and Lux Insights, 50% of Americans admit to looking through their partner’s phone without said partner’s knowledge or permission. I’m not proud to admit that I’m among them.

I am not a perfect woman (newsflash). And I don’t claim to be a relationship coach or romantic guru. I don’t think any of us in a long-term relationship knows what the hell we’re doing.

What I am, though, is a woman who sometimes deals with insecurities. I’m also a woman who sometimes makes mistakes — especially when I’m stressed about the issues in my relationship.

Lately, my husband and I have been growing apart both emotionally and physically. Though I didn’t suspect him of cheating, I did suspect there were things he wasn’t telling me.



Holly Paige
Fearless She Wrote

Curious creature, pursuer of passion, unbeliever in limiting or lengthy bios. Email me at hollypaige.writer@gmail.com.