I Wrote About Working at a Dungeon for One of the Biggest News Sites in the World

Telling my story brought challenges I never expected.

Stephanie Parent
Fearless She Wrote


I lay in bed in the predawn darkness clutching my phone, my heart racing, constantly refreshing the website on my internet browser. I knew the article I’d written for a major international news site was slated to appear the morning of October 4th, 2019, but I wasn’t sure at what exact hour my words would magically coalesce out of the pixels on my phone screen.

Since I was on the West Coast, and the sun had already risen on the other side of the country, I thought it might be fairly early. Yet my anxious mind was still half-certain, up to the last possible moment, that someone on the news site’s staff would decide to pull my article.

Refresh… refresh…

Finally, around six a.m., there it was: my legal name, a picture of me — larger than I’d expected it to be — and my article about working at a dungeon as a professional submissive.

Maybe I was crazy to publish under my real name, but that was a requirement for this particular publication. At that moment, fear at seeing my greatest secret proclaimed across the internet made my heart pound, but stronger than that fear was relief and even elation.



Stephanie Parent
Fearless She Wrote

Stephanie Parent is a writer and former professional submissive. Connect with her on twitter at @SC_Parent, and support her writing via https://ko-fi.com/scp