I’m Proud to Live in the First Country Where Period Products are Free

A victory that proves you can fight for what is right and win.

Rosalind Pagan
Fearless She Wrote


Scotland in the United Kingdom is famous for many things, but this one is something to be really proud of.

Our nation has become the first in the world where all period products are universally free to all who use them. Period.

We might not have managed to win our freedom from the rule of England and become a fully independent country, but we are asserting our unique place in the world by putting women’s needs at the forefront.

It helps that we have a woman at our helm — our First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon. She has normalised the discussion of menstruation in the chambers of government, also highlighting women’s issues such as menopause and endometriosis, and the environmental impact and sustainability of sanitary products.

But this month we have seen proof of the power of a grassroots campaign for the rights of women to stop being penalised by the cost of menstruating.

Campaign brings about legal change



Rosalind Pagan
Fearless She Wrote

Feminist, mother, word nerd, worrier, warrior, thinker.