In Dating, “No, Thank You” Is Not the Start of a Negotiation

There’s a fine line between courting someone and harassment.

Gracia Kleijnen
Fearless She Wrote
Published in
5 min readJul 28, 2021


On the left: A character sitting on a bench, wearing glasses, reading a book. On the right: a male figure approaching the lone reader. Dialogue. Male speaking: “Hey! Would you like to go on a date with me?”. Character responds: “Huh? Oh, no, thank you, but I appreciate the invite.” Male thinking: “Select option: 1) ignore rejection, start negotiation 2) call names: Wh#re! Sl*t! You’re ugly!” 3) leave her alone.
Photo by James Garcia on Unsplash, illustrations by the author

Springtime in Berlin

“Hey, how are you doing?” I looked up from my phone and saw a man who I did not know. From his stance, I could see he was trying to make an advance. I applaud his bravery, as rejection always lurks around the corner.

“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Oh, I’m reading,” I replied.

The second he asked me how I was, I was ready to fight him. Of course, I kept my cool and stayed polite. No need for any escalation just yet.

“The weather is great! How about enjoying the sun together?” he continued.
“No thank you, I’m fine on my own.”
“But wouldn’t it be nicer to enjoy it together?”
“I'm good. I want to enjoy the sun alone. But I thank you for inviting me”.

…. (suspense with the few seconds that passed)

“No problem, have a great day!”
“Thank you, you too!”

And off he went.

I was in shock! This was it?



Gracia Kleijnen
Fearless She Wrote

Sheets & comics creator. Words on YT, relationships, mental health, productivity & self-development in 35+ pubs. 📕Book author: