Introducing, Fearless She Wrote

The publication for all of us who have ever been shamed for telling our stories.

Jessica Lovejoy
Fearless She Wrote
3 min readApr 30, 2019


Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

Last Updated: May 17, 2021

New Writer Applications are now OPEN for submission. Please scroll down to the Google Form in the “Write for Fearless She Wrote” section to apply.

Please note: we do not review writer applications through our personal emails. Any requests sent to our personal emails will be deleted and not reviewed.

Submission Guideline Update: Unpublished drafts will be reviewed within 48–72 hours, Monday-Friday. While we don’t review submissions on weekends, please know you are always welcome to submit on those days.

Thank you for your interest in our publication. Cheers!

We are thrilled to introduce you to Fearless She Wrote!

The three of us have been a source of support and inspiration for one another for some time now, and we were happy to lean on each other after each of us received continuous harassment from misogynistic trolls. It felt comforting to have other women writers to converse with and share our pain after being criticized and bullied for being victims of sexual assault.

We decided to open up our conversation to every person who has ever been made to feel like they should stay quiet. That’s how Fearless She Wrote was born.

Our goal is to shed some light on the harassment that women everywhere receive when they speak up and tell their stories.

This is a space to say that we will not be silenced, we will continue to write and share our stories, and to anyone who has ever been criticized for speaking their truth, you are not alone. We hope that Fearless She Wrote will be a place to empower differences, tell stories, and share our lives with one another.

Write for Fearless She Wrote

If you are interested in joining us as a writer, please fill out the following form:

Note: If you do not receive an email confirming your acceptance as a writer within 3 weeks, your sample may not have been the right fit for our editors. Please don’t hesitate to submit another application with a NEW drafted piece after that timeframe and we would be happy to review it.

Once you've been added as a writer, feel free to send your amazing drafts over to us! Please submit only (1) proofread and well-edited unpublished draft at a time.

Please note: your draft will be reviewed within 48–72 hours, Monday-Friday. We have 3 editors on our team with full-time jobs, so please patiently allow for some time to review.

The right fit for the Fearless She Wrote Publication would touch on powerful stories of womanhood, empowerment, feminism and life experience.

The stories we’re looking for should be tagged in at least one of these categories:

  • feminism
  • culture
  • relationships
  • sexuality
  • women

Please review your tags before submitting. We frequently receive amazing drafts that are not tagged in any of our categories and this delays the publication process for all.

Please note: we do not publish poetry, fiction, open letters, or any stories that read as journal/diary entries.

We are Fearless She Wrote, but the problem of being attacked and harassed for telling your personal experience is not just a woman’s problem.

We will accept writers of any gender.

We want to hear about your own experiences but we will not publish any hateful or slanderous work. After all, we’re giving a voice to those who have been faced with hateful or slanderous words and this will not be a place for any negativity.

We will not be silenced. We will be fearless. And we will write.

