It’s Time to Stop Giving Your Energy to Those Who Don’t Appreciate It

Match their energy and take back your power

Crystal Jackson
Fearless She Wrote


Photo by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

Energy may be a renewable resource, but some relationships simply take and take, leaving us depleted — or they give just a little, just enough to keep us investing in them. It’s so easy to get angry at the people who give so little and take so much, but the truth is that we are the ones who keep giving up our power every single time that we give more than we’re given.

In all relationships, energy investments may come in waves. There are times when the balance will skew in one direction or another, but it shouldn’t constantly tilt only in one direction throughout the relationship. If it does, like the Titanic, it will split and sink, taking us down with it.

Energy Matching Is A Boundary Practice

Matching energy is a wonderful way to practice healthy boundaries. At first, I felt like energy matching was game-playing, as if responding to the energy I was receiving wasn’t being authentic to how I felt. I have so much love to give, and I tend to be enthusiastic in sharing it with the people I let in. Yet, I kept ending up engaging in relationships where I gave my energy without seeing any return on that emotional investment.

