Learning to Love Ourselves As We Are

How to take action when it comes to self-love

Emiie Rabitoy
Fearless She Wrote


Photo via Unsplash and Content Pixie

I haven’t always struggled with my weight as I do now, but I have always struggled with self-image. I remember being 130 pounds and feeling like I was overweight and unattractive then, despite the fact that I was ghostly thin. I specifically remember choosing not to eat because I didn’t want to gain any more weight. It wasn’t until I met my husband and felt loved as I was that I started eating ‘normally’ and putting on weight. I sure did put it on, though.

In the span of four years, I went from a size six to a size sixteen. I am now in between a size fourteen and eighteen. (Every single pair of pants, shirt, or dress fits differently because sizes vary but I’m still in between that range of sizes.)

Throughout the last year, I have gone from resenting my size to learning to love myself. I think it’s something we all need to do. It doesn’t matter whether you want to love yourself at the size you are, or lose ten pounds and love yourself then, just do what’s best for you.

I don’t think I’m alone in my struggle with weight, how I see myself, and self-love. As I get older, I’m gaining a new perspective.

“We just need to be kinder to ourselves. If we treated ourselves the way we treated our best friend, can you…



Emiie Rabitoy
Fearless She Wrote

Avid reader, social media specialist, former author VA, mother & coffee lover. Writes articles to help authors l, recommend books & share the joy of motherhood