Medium Writers Challenge — Deadline Approaching

Submissions close on August 24th, 2021.

Fearless She Wrote Editorial Team
Fearless She Wrote
2 min readAug 16, 2021


Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Happy Summer, Fearless Community!

In case you haven’t heard, Medium has introduced the Medium Writer’s Challenge with $100k worth of prizes up for grabs. The deadline for challenge submissions is August 24th. There’s still time to participate.

Here at Fearless, we are a community dedicated to sharing the stories of those who have been silenced or told their truths do not matter. In this community, your story matters, and we’re here to support you as writers and readers every step of the way. That is exactly what makes this community so special.

When deciding whether to participate in the Medium Writers Challenge, we encourage you to consider the power of your own stories. Those who write for Fearless have truths to tell that resonate with readers and help others heal in very real ways.

We are here to assure you that you’re empowering, inspiring, and your words make a real impact in the lives of others. You are utterly incredible, and your words move mountains.

If you are interested in participating or learning more about the Medium Writers Challenge, visit this link HERE.

Thank you again for being such an important part of the Fearless She Wrote community. Whether you are a writer, or a reader, or both, you play a vital role in keeping this community a safe space for so many to heal and recover from hardships in their lives.

You are amazing, because we said so. ❤

