Meghan Markle Proves Why We Can’t Afford to Question Women Anymore

It’s time to start trusting women over institutions

Gigi Love
Fearless She Wrote


By Northern Ireland Office — Prince Harry and Ms Markel attend ‘Amazing The Space’ event., CC BY 2.0,

It’s been almost three years since Meghan Markle officially became a member of the Royal Family. Three years that she describes as “unsurvivable.” Three years of smiling and waving and pretending it was all okay.

When I watched Oprah interview Meghan Markle, I watched a woman who was finally breathing a sigh of relief. There on camera, while the world watched, we finally got to hear her side of the story.

And her side of the story should make us take a long, hard look at ourselves.

For years, we have read and bought into headlines like:

  1. “Why Can’t Meghan Markle Keep Her Hands Off Her Baby Bump?”
  2. Royal Wedding: How Meghan Markle’s flowers may have put Princess Charlotte’s life at risk.
  3. Meghan Markle Slammed for Putting Her Hands in Pockets.”

If we’re honest, many of us have been or know people who believed that Meghan was the problem. You may have heard or said comments such as:

  • “There’s just something about her.”
  • “She seems like a troublemaker.”



Gigi Love
Fearless She Wrote

I write short & spicy romance and need coffee. I have questions (and answers) about sex, love, and pop culture.