My Congressman Tweeted and Deleted Something Racist Again

Rep. Greg Murphy clearly doesn’t understand that the internet is forever.

Ashley Cleland, M.Ed.
Fearless She Wrote


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Imagine a leader who posts an offensive, racist response to a colleague’s statement on a public platform. Imagine they posted it without thinking of the ramifications. Perhaps it was a mistake in the heat of the moment. Okay, surely they at least apologized later, right?

But let’s imagine that instead of accepting responsibility for the harm they caused, they quietly delete the post and hope no one else noticed. Imagine they refuse to acknowledge what they said, despite being contacted by the people they serve and the media.

Does this seem like the kind of leader you want? How about to represent you as your Congressman?

Unfortunately, this is the reality for people in my community who are represented by someone well-known for their hair-trigger temper and who has repeatedly directed his vitriol at women of color, including Vice President Kamala Harris.

Another day, another dirty deleted tweet by Representative Greg Murphy of North Carolina

Our representative’s latest tweeting-like-your-drunk-Uncle-at-Thanksgiving incident involves tagging a…



Ashley Cleland, M.Ed.
Fearless She Wrote

Educator & Writer. Passionate about feminist leadership. *Views my own*