No, My Makeup-Free Face Is Not Unprofessional

Your attitude towards my look is.

Alfie Jane
Fearless She Wrote


Photo by Bianca Berg on Unsplash

Let me make something clear. Makeup isn’t the enemy. I’m not going to rant about how you’re giving in to the patriarchy if you enjoy it. Because frankly, you’re not. Maybe for you, it’s a fun way to express yourself. I’ve got better things to do than shit on something you enjoy.

There is a problem with the attitude of women and makeup in the workplace. Ask any woman who doesn’t like makeup about their work history, and they will have at least one story of a boss or a handbook telling them they need to wear makeup to look more professional.

For me, that job was Bob Evans. About a month after I started working there, I found out I almost didn’t get hired because I was chubby. The boss thought I’d be too slow. I was also the only female server there who didn’t wear makeup, against the standards of the handbook. It’s too far in the past to say if it had a significantly negative effect on my work.

I’d get the occasional suggestion from coworkers with my last job, so I kept my face waxed and nails painted to give myself a more polished look. No one in management ever had to talk to me about my lack of makeup. If I didn’t live in China, I would’ve gone broke from the monthly beauty routine I did there.

