Privileged Men Expect Women to be Grateful for Scraps From Their Table

When will we be allowed to fight for true equality?

Rosalind Pagan
Fearless She Wrote


Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

It never ceases to amaze me how many men are willing to wade into the comments section on a piece of feminist writing and offer their unsolicited opinions.

Some of them will be supportive, but I’m talking about the other men. Those men who want to say “enough with feminism already, get back in your place.”

They might not say it in such blatantly sexist words, but their sentiment is still very visible and clear. The words of a faux-feminist man are often see-through.

When I wrote this article about sexism I expected it to provoke backlash comments. You can always tell, before hitting the publish button, which topics will draw them out from their hiding places.

Aren’t you happy yet?

One recent commenter on the above article, was keen to point out to me that the speaker of the House of Representatives in the US is a woman. Yes, she is. And your point is…? In fact, I’ve pasted the entirety of his comment below, as I find it worthy of counter-comment.

“Isn’t Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House second in line to be President? At times she appears to the most powerful politician in



Rosalind Pagan
Fearless She Wrote

Feminist, mother, word nerd, worrier, warrior, thinker.