Sexual Assault Case Failures that Show the Brokenness of the Justice System

Want to know why more survivors don’t step forward to press charges? Here’s your clear-cut answer.

Gillian Sisley
Fearless She Wrote


Image credit via the Insider

Trigger Warning: this article contains descriptions of sexual assault, abuse, and gross miscarriages of justice that may not be suitable for all readers. Fearless community, please read with care.

As a sexual assault survivor myself, I’ve been asked why I didn’t press charges against my attacker.

Every survivor has been asked this question.

Let’s just start with saying this question is NOT an appropriate thing to ever ask a survivor.

Healing from trauma and a deep violation is not a one-size-fits-all journey. Each person's journey is unique, and every survivor has the right to choose to do whatever they feel is most conducive to their own personal needs for healing and closure.

Let’s also get this very important fact out of the way in regards to this article— male white privilege plays a massive role in the lack of sentences and consequences applied to the cases that will be dissected in this piece.



Gillian Sisley
Fearless She Wrote

Professional Storyteller working at Meta ♾️ Tea drinker. Insatiably curious. Writing about relationships, adventure & embracing vulnerability as a superpower ✨