Sexually Empowered Women Aren’t Going Anywhere

We’re just going to be over here finding ways to spin your insults into positives

Molly Frances
Fearless She Wrote


Photo by iordani on Adobe Stock

Throughout my life, people have used words to describe me that they meant as an insult. I’m not going to lie — at the time it felt like an insult in every way and seriously affected how I saw myself. But now that my life has been taken over by chronic illness and I’m rapidly approaching 40, I just don’t care anymore.

When these comments come from trolls on the internet, I can only think it’s because they are pissed off that a woman dares to discuss sex, have a lot of sex, and not feel bad about it. When these comments come from people who know me, it’s a reflection of their inability to understand and control me. Women you can’t control are scary as fuck.

Every woman who writes about sex receives shitty comments from basement-dwelling trolls who are too busy tormenting women behind their screens to build any semblance of real life. Let’s look at a couple of choice phrases and start owning that shit, not hiding from it.

I am a slut

The first time I was called a slut, I was 11 years old. I had no idea what the word meant then. Later, in high school, when a boy spread a rumor around school that we’d slept together, it came up…



Molly Frances
Fearless She Wrote

Molly Frances’s writing explores what it means to be human: relationships, families, sexuality, mental health, and growth.