Should Men Have a Curfew to Make Women Safer?

Women constantly have to change their behavior and they are still getting killed. Maybe it’s time to focus on men instead.

Stark Raving
Fearless She Wrote
Published in
5 min readMar 22, 2021


Photo by Danny Lines on Unsplash

She was just walking home. Nine days later, her remains were found 50 miles away. A police officer has been charged with abducting and murdering her.

Sarah Everard was 33-years old and worked as a marketing executive. She had an entire life ahead of her. She had just started a new job and met a new boyfriend. She phoned him as she left her friend’s house and started the walk towards her home in Brixton, South London. Then she disappeared and was never again seen alive.

“She was sunshine and light, and made you feel warm and good and safe,” one of her friends told New York Times. Sadly, she would never be safe, not in this world.

She was 33 years old.

It was 9:30 pm.

She was just walking home.

These facts have been echoing in my head ever since it happened, carrying with them an ache of heartbreak and anger.

In the UK, where I am originally from, the event has launched a movement akin to #MeToo. Women are taking to social media to talk about their own experiences of being harassed…



Stark Raving
Fearless She Wrote

Intersectional feminism and environmental issues. Let’s make the world a kinder, more sustainable place. Support my work!