Stop Using Your Friends As Your Excuse…

When your abusive boyfriend shows up looking for you, this is how it goes down.

April Hawkins, Ask A Bitchface
Fearless She Wrote


photo via Unsplash

Y’all know I have been over and over Safety for the Single Lady. We’ve talked about statistics, plans, and 800 799 SAFE until I’m blue in the face.

It’s because I don’t want anyone to be a story I come across one day. I have a few of y’all that I find myself clutching my pearls over, and it keeps me up sometimes. Here is why:

He said “the baby could recognize him”.

In Kansas City, Mo., last week, a young lady decided to use her friend as an excuse to get a night out of the house without telling her boyfriend why. The friend and excuse, Mackenzie Hopkins, a 24-year-old mother to a 4-year-old daughter, had no idea about any of it. Whatever the girl was planning, and whoever she was doing it with, she didn’t want her boyfriend to know. So she lied, telling the boyfriend she and Mackenzie would be going out on the night of 1/14/22.

The boyfriend, 24-year-old Jose Escalante-Corchado, went looking for his girlfriend. He showed up at Mackenzie’s house, found his girlfriend was not there, and beat Mackenzie to death. It is presumed because she couldn’t give up the location of her friend, as she hadn’t been told.



April Hawkins, Ask A Bitchface
Fearless She Wrote

Author. Columnist. Activist. Poet basically since birth. Defender of dogs and underdogs, follow me on Substack: