A Thank You to Misogynistic Internet Trolls

Mad love to you guys. By making complete and utter fools of yourselves you’re helping pay my bills!

Gillian Sisley
Fearless She Wrote


I’ve heard from a few people that I should stop replying to comments on my content from sexist trolls online.

Oh, and apparently, I should definitely stop writing about it.

I’ve made a bit of a reputation for myself, on this publication and among my readers, as that chick who claps-back and anonymously calls out misogynistic trolls in purpose-driven articles. Such as:


According to some online, by writing these articles I’m only feeding into the negativity.

Well, I’m sorry if you feel that way, but I’m not going to stop writing about these encounters



Gillian Sisley
Fearless She Wrote

Professional Storyteller working at Meta ♾️ Tea drinker. Insatiably curious. Writing about relationships, adventure & embracing vulnerability as a superpower ✨