The Misconceptions of Feminism

Yen Ling Chou
Fearless She Wrote
Published in
3 min readJul 9, 2019

One day my sister told me that she was against Feminism. I was surprised that she said so because I thought women ought to stand for Feminism. Thus, I asked her why she disagreed with it and then I found she had some misconceptions about Feminism.

Misconception 1: Feminists free the nipple but they ask people who see their breasts not to desire their bodies.

It is true that some feminists free the nipple to demand the right that women can do anything with their bodies; however, they do not ask others not to desire their bodies. People can imagine having sexual intercourse with anyone for the reason that others do not know what is in their mind. Thinking about lust would not be offensive for others. On the other hand, people should not talk about sexual imagination of females or touch their private parts since the tellings and actions are sexual harassment. Freeing the nipple does not entitle people to offend women’s bodies. People should always respect others no matter what they wear.

Misconception 2: Feminists do not shave.

Feminists would like to break the imagination of hairless women so that part of them do not shave their thighs, underarms and pubic hair. Nevertheless, it does not mean Feminism forbids anyone to shave their bodies. It is definitely okay to shave yourselves. The most important thing is to be comfortable with the look of your body.

Misconception 3: Feminists do not wear make-up.

Some girls complain make-up involve sexism, which men do not need to put on make-up and in contrast women have to do so. Therefore, some think that feminists are anti-sexism and do not wear make-up. It is right that Feminism fights for sexual discrimination, yet Feminism also means all human beings can live however they want. Putting on make-up is a choice for both men and women. Nowadays more and more lads adopt make-up things, and a great number of feminists wear make-up. Briefly, females should be able to choose whether they want to wear make-up or not.

Misconception 4: Feminists are all unmarried women.

Feminists claim that women have the right to be single and childless but it does not signify that feminists cannot get married and have children. Besides, a few people consider that feminists are unattractive because those women do not shape and do not wear make-up; as a result, men do not marry them. The idea is a great insult for feminists. Hairy females and anti-makeup women are still beautiful, and they may be in relationships. Moreover, a part of men, such as gays, transgenders support Feminism as they embrace their femininity. Anyhow, certain of the feminists are married women, and even mature men.

Misconception 5: Feminists hate men and want to build a female-dominant world.

Feminists do not hate men. Feminism is not Female chauvinism. Feminism is an ideology to make both sexes equal. Females do not want to dominate males. Also, making a female-dominant world is not the will of Feminism because a female-dominant world is only a copy of patriarchy and Feminism opposes patriarchy. Feminists just want all the rights as men. Overall, the purpose of feminism is to create gender equality that males and females enjoy the same rewards, resources and opportunities in the society.

In Conclusion

Feminism seeks for the freedom of two sexes. Women may be masculine and strong. Men may be feminine and tender. Anyone can uphold feminism. I hope more men and women would like to be feminists in the future.

Illustration by Yen-ling Chou



Yen Ling Chou
Fearless She Wrote

A Taiwanese Blogger. I write articles about politics, feminism and social issues.