The Struggle of Balancing Health and Self-Love

Our desires for #BodyGoals and #FoodPorn are at war.

Roxanna Azimy
Fearless She Wrote


As the developed world’s food issues become increasingly polarized — with us obsessing over the latest health fad and unattainable depictions of the perfect “beach body” one moment, and drooling over hybrid baked goods and melted cheese the next — it’s clear to see that our intensely emotional connection to both food and body image has gotten way out of hand.

Since these two intense desires don’t tend to coexist well, the satisfaction of one of them only leaves us yearning for the other. Is it any wonder, then, that when it comes to our health and self-love, we are struggling to find balance and inner peace?

Not only is this a toxic combination, forcing us to oscillate between self-loathing and self-soothing, between unhealthy restrictions and indulgences, but we are taking out these internal conflicts on each other.

Entirely personal choices we all make each day about what, when, and how much we eat have become seemingly open to the commentary and judgment of others. And as much as society seems to love pointing the finger at people’s unhealthy choices, the pendulum also swings the other way, as many of those trying to live a healthier life feel judged too.



Roxanna Azimy
Fearless She Wrote

Interested in all things ethics, culture, gender, health & psychology. Asking the hard questions but not claiming to have all the answers.