The Tyranny of Pocketless Women’s Fashion

We deserve functional pockets, and so do our daughters.

Darcy Reeder
Fearless She Wrote


Middle of a person in a short, pleated, pocketless skirt, wearing bracelets and rings, and holding a strapless clutch purse.
Photo by Zeny Rosalina on Unsplash

“Mama, will you carry some rocks for me?” My 4-year-old crouches to search for shiny pebbles in our neighbor’s dusty gravel driveway.

“You can carry them yourself, Sweetie.”

“My hands are too full.” Already, she holds three small pink plums and a puffy white dandelion she’s saving so her dad can make a wish.

“Fine. I’ll carry one rock, so pick your very favorite.” She hands me an impossibly smooth white pebble, and I slip it into one of the many pockets of my overalls.

“Mama, how come my clothes never have pockets?”

Goooooood question.

I recently found Melissa Kaseman’s photo project Preschool Pocket Treasures, which archived the contents of her son’s pockets after preschool each day. His pockets contained deflated balloons, sticks, flowers, gems, beans, feathers, sequins, Legos, hairties, crayons — even a monster finger puppet.



Darcy Reeder
Fearless She Wrote

Empathy for the win! Published in Gen, Human Parts, Heated, Tenderly —Feminism, Sexuality, Veganism, Anti-Racism, Parenting. She/They