This Diet Brand is a Marketing Disaster, and They Don’t Think Consumers are Very Smart

You should definitely feel both insulted and concerned.

Gillian Sisley
Fearless She Wrote


Screenshot from author’s Instagram feed.

Ad content:

“6 weeks ago I have decided start running with Joggo and became fit again. For 20 years, I did no sports at all and peaked weighing 180 lbs. Now, I am at a weight of 140 lbs and feel absolutely amazing.”

I don’t know about you, but I’m so damn tired and frustrated with having toxic diet culture shoved down our throats, day in, day out.

And it’s only gotten worse since COVID, since gyms are routinely closed and many of us have been eating our emotions to mentally survive this pandemic.

Seeing this ad on my Instagram feed last night was (for some reason) the final f*cking straw for me.

Take this article both as a social critique of what is toxic diet culture, and also a case study for the worst way to ever market your business, or yourself, online.

Diet culture over-promises disastrous and unrealistic timelines for weight loss.

I well and truly could not believe my eyes.



Gillian Sisley
Fearless She Wrote

Professional Storyteller working at Meta ♾️ Tea drinker. Insatiably curious. Writing about relationships, adventure & embracing vulnerability as a superpower ✨