We Let Fathers Walk and Crucify Mothers Who Can’t Cope

Trial by gender is rampant when it comes to parenting the severely disabled.

Matilda Fairholm
Fearless She Wrote


Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

In 2001 and after four miscarriages, I finally held a real live baby in my arms. By the time Jack was born I was already terrified of my husband. I resented being followed, controlled, and told what to eat, wear and do. I was ridiculed and threatened, belittled at every opportunity.

I felt trapped but was deceived into believing that a baby would help our marriage. It was foolish. For a while though Jack was a beautiful distraction from the agony of my life. I loved him more than I thought was possible.

I still do.

Jack was a sick baby and slow to reach his milestones. By the time he turned 2 he was mildly developmentally delayed. He started having seizures and by 3 was diagnosed with autism. By 5, he was diagnosed with a severe intellectual disability.

I was constantly reminded of how lucky I was that my husband didn’t leave me. All around me I saw examples of men who left the woman holding the (disabled) baby. Despite the abuse, I felt fortunate, for a while, that he didn’t desert me, leave me to do it all on my own.

Over the next decade, the torture intensified and I finally left him when Jack was…



Matilda Fairholm
Fearless She Wrote

Writing to rescue others from the devastation of domestic abuse, and learning to live better. https://matildafairholm.medium.com/membership