Where are Black Women Safe?

A look into the Breonna Taylor case and camping while Black

Magda Erockfor Ayuk
Fearless She Wrote
Published in
4 min readSep 30, 2020


Source: Ariel Sinha

Trigger Warning: this article contains descriptions of sexual assault and acts of violence that may not be suitable for all readers. Fearless community, please read with care.

Breonna Taylor isn’t a household name for her admirable service as an emergency medical technician during an unprecedented pandemic. Weren’t we just referring to health care workers as heroes not too long ago?

We know her name because plain-clothed police officers barged into her home and shot her while she slept. A 26-year-old woman was murdered, and it took Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron six months to determine that her murderers did nothing wrong — besides “endangering” her White neighbors, none of which were harmed.

Breonna Taylor is more than a hashtag. She had family, opinions, ambitions, goals, and a life, all of which mattered. There was no justice for Breonna Taylor. Whether or not her murderers were tossed into a jail cell, she was never going to receive justice. Her life ended prematurely. There is no justice in that.

She wasn’t safe in her own bed.

These days, the following question has been swirling around in my mind: Where are Black women safe? We can…



Magda Erockfor Ayuk
Fearless She Wrote

jazz/pop singer, burlesque dancer, writer & marketing specialist — find me on Instagram @erockfor https://erockfor.com