Why Do People Attack Mommy Bloggers?

Why can’t everyone just play nice?

Emme Beckett
Fearless She Wrote


Photo by Sam Manns on Unsplash

I used to have a mommy blog. You may have heard of it. Just kidding, nobody read it. My blog had no direction. One day, I’d share a delightful cookie recipe and the next day, I’d post a list of the best places to buy crack in each state.

I dutifully researched the blogging lifestyle to learn the ins and outs, like the #bossbabe that I am. Guest blogging. Monetization. Linking to socials. Design. Content.

My research led me down a peculiar and disturbing rabbit hole where I discovered a whole new genre of prejudice.

People absolutely hate mom bloggers.

Shocked, appalled — and actually kind of sad — to read the extent of mom blogger bashing on the internet, I grew defensive.

Leave mom bloggers alone. I mean, seriously.

I survived those tediously boring stay-at-home-mom days by reading mom blogs. In the teeny pockets of time between naps and feedings, or just stealing a quiet moment while the boys were occupied, mom blogs were the perfect escape.

I’m not saying that all mom blogs discuss ground-breaking issues or are life-changing in any way. But, some woman out there — some mom out there — took the time to write it. She

