Yes, Confident People Can Fall for Abusive Partners

“I’m special. He’ll love me. Give him time. How could he not?”

Laura Rosell
Fearless She Wrote


Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

When I was 19 and on the brink of what would become a long-term, live-in abusive relationship, I very clearly remember being very certain of one thing:

This man is going to love me.

When you’re coming from a place of “I believe in my value,” it’s very hard to realize you could possibly be with an abusive partner… because isn’t it only insecure, self-loathing people who end up with bad ones?


As I saw with my younger self — and with self-assured friends who’ve also fallen for abusive people over the years — the logic that enables toxic relationships can sound very confident indeed. “I’m a great partner and a great catch. Of course, my partner will be happy with me. Things aren’t perfect right now, but it’s just a matter of patience. I can totally figure this out and make it work.

See what I mean?

Thus, one of my biggest obstacles to realizing my relationship was abusive was the counterintuitive fact that I generally thought well of myself. It took me years after it ended before I finally understood something critical:



Laura Rosell
Fearless She Wrote

Love, sex, dreams, soul, adventure, healing, feeling. Available for projects.