Your Body Can Tell if He Is Not for You

The physical signs you may see when your body tells you you’re in a relationship with the wrong person.

Nikola Grace Radley
Fearless She Wrote


I read once that we are all just glorified plants. When we are in a happy and healthy environment, we thrive, but when we are not, our bodies start to show signs quite quickly. It feels when we are mentally suffering in a relationship and shows us in different ways. It is easier to ignore and push back the anxious thoughts that come into our minds than our body showing us physically that something is not right.

When I was with someone who has NPD (narcissism) my body was telling me that things were not ok even though I was in denial about the true extent of the situation that I was in and how it was affecting me internally and externally.

“It is common for toxic relationships to not only affect the mind and spirit but also the body. Not only can we become biochemically addicted to the chronic highs and lows of a toxic relationship; trauma takes its toll on our physical well-being.”

-Shahida Arabi, MA, best-selling author of Power: Surviving and Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse

How your body can tell you if things are not ok.

Your vagina isn’t…



Nikola Grace Radley
Fearless She Wrote

Freelance writer. You can find me reading under a palm tree in Rio de Janeiro. E-mail: