4 min readMay 13, 2020

10 easy steps on how to cope with the lockdown

I am aware that everyone’s story is different, and my ‘advice’ might not apply to all of you reading my article, but I will be happy if at least 1% will relate to what I am writing here. I want to share with you some tips and tricks that helped me during these many weeks (I stopped counting them) when we are not allowed to go to work anymore.

1.Set an intention

What do you want to achieve, what is your purpose for this period when you have to spend more time at home? The purpose will vary from person to person. For some of us it can be just relaxing, having more free time, while for others on the contrary, it is time to tick those things on the to-do list that have been postponed for such a long time. So, set an intention!

2. Make a routine

After you set an intention, you need a routine. We, humans, we function well when we have a routine. Everything in the Universe has its clock and rhythm, you can just think of the Circadian system, or at the changing of seasons, planet rotation, and so on. If you are the kind of person who prefers freedom to structure and organization, this is completely fine, I understand you. But still you can make a plan, not a schedule, and stick to it. Let’s say you plan every day to read 50 pages from a book. You will still choose when and how to read those 50 pages during the 24 hour time, but at the end of the day, it is gratifying to tick things off the list, and have a tangible outcome.

3. Stay active

Sport is very important for our health. It boosts our immune system and it improves our mood. Even though you cannot go outside, you can still do some yoga, stretching, pilates, or why not dance? If you’re keen on gym-like exercise, making some DIY dumbells can be part of the challenge. Make it fun!

4. Prioritize

Some people just have too many ideas, goals, and they are unable to decide what to do first. It is very important to make a list of what is most important for you. And you can even divide that list into areas such as: physical and mental health, personal development, career, relationships, entertainment. For a happy and fulfilled life, we should take care of all those areas of our lives, even though, the amount of energy it is not going to be equally divided.

5. Take breaks

It is important to take constant breaks during the day. You should do them every 50 minutes. Just stand up, walk around the room if you don’t have any other option, open the window, take some deep breaths of fresh air, and stretch a little bit.

6. Drink water

It is super important to keep your brain hydrated! Our brains are 80% water, therefore, for it to function at its best, we need to drink plenty of water during the day.

7. Eat healthy

Another important way to improve your immune system is by taking care of the food you are eating. Now that you have more time, you can be creative in the kitchen, and cook healthy. It will increase your energy, and you will be in good shape when you will finally be able to go on a holiday.

8. Stay connected

Even though you live alone, you can still keep in touch with your loved ones, thanks to so many online apps. We all need this — it’s no mistake “Zooming someone” recently became a thing. It will lift your spirit, and you will feel that you are not alone in this, that you are part of a bigger group. We are social beings, we need interaction, this is how we grow and expand our horizons.

9. Reward yourself

After you’ve been a goal getter all day long, it is time to reward yourself with something that pleases you: a good book, a nice movie, paint, dance, whatever makes you feel happy and relaxed.

10. A good sleep

Last but not least, good sleep will make a huge difference! We will be more energetic, our mood will improve, and why not, our productivity. To achieve all this, you don’t only need the right number of hours, but also getting the right amount of deep sleep, and waking up at the right time.

There’s a book that talks about this in more detail that I highly recommend: Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker.

I hope you find hope, strength, and make the most out of every day! Be happy!


Creator into self development, astrology, travels and everythings that makes my soul smile