Fearless Wallet Polkadot Parachain Crowdloan Unlock Update

Polkadot’s DOT Lock-up concludes automatic returns in Fearless Wallet and celebrates parachain progress.

Fearless Wallet
Fearless Wallet
2 min readOct 24, 2023


Dear Fearless Wallet users,

Today is important for the Polkadot ecosystem and the Fearless Wallet community. The DOT lock-up period for Polkadot Parachain crowdloans is concluding.

Stay Fearless with Unlocked DOT

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Reflection on the Past Two Years: The ecosystem has grown tremendously over the past two years. Many projects have made significant strides, creating remarkable and innovative solutions. We’re proud to be part of this journey and evolution.
  • Automatic Crowdloan Contribution Return: The DOT balance is automatically updated when the lock-up period ends. You have less to worry about if you participated in the Polkadot Parachain Crowdloan via Fearless Wallet! Your DOT tokens will automatically be added to your Fearless Wallet balance. No action is required on your part.
  • Vesting Parachain Tokens: If you’ve participated in any parachain crowdloans that included vested rewards, and haven’t claimed your tokens, now is a prime time to do so. For more information, consult the Parachain team’s social media.
  • Self-funded Parachain Projects: Congratulations for all your hard work to the parachain teams who are getting back their locked tokens from the crowdloan! This extra balance is good for the community or team treasury and for securing future parachain leases.

Please stay tuned to our official channels for a deeper understanding and specific details of the Polkadot Parachain Crowdloan process.

Your trust and support drive us to keep enhancing Fearless Wallet. Together, we’re navigating a more decentralized and interconnected future.

Stay Fearless.

About Fearless Wallet

Fearless Wallet is a bespoke mobile wallet and browser extension designed for the decentralized future on the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystem, with native support for iOS and Android, and Chromium-based browsers: a premium user experience, fast performance, and secure storage for your accounts. Fearless Wallet features Polkaswap for easy, decentralized in-app swaps of assets.

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Fearless Wallet
Fearless Wallet

Fearless Wallet is designed especially for the DeFi future on Polkadot and Kusama. iOS and Android native apps, the best UX, fast performance, secure accounts.