Fearless Wallet Ecosystem Update #71, October 26, 2023

Fearless Wallet
Fearless Wallet
Published in
5 min readOct 26, 2023

The trend in wallet design is for wallets to support all networks, so users can send/receive tokens from the same wallet without worry about what network they are using. Navigating the intricate landscape of DeFi becomes more straightforward with tools that grant you the freedom to use any token you have, on any chain. This eliminates the need to juggle between multiple tools, highlighting the increasing relevance of such streamlined solutions.

Taking on this role is Fearless Wallet, a comprehensive solution for securely and privately managing digital assets. It also serves as a gateway to multiple blockchain dimensions.

Recently, Fearless Wallet has added support for EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) networks, demonstrating our dedication to enhancing interoperability. This enables users to choose from a wide range of networks to operate with.

This bi-weekly digest is not just a list of updates, but a testament to our bold and forward-thinking vision. Fearless Wallet adopts a truly liberated, blockchain-agnostic approach, positioning itself as the essential multi-chain wallet for the interconnected world of tomorrow. Your assets are your assets, free of all illusions or dogmas.

Whether you have been with us from the start or have recently discovered our mission, we invite you to celebrate the advancements that turn decentralized dreams into reality. Embrace the future with Fearless Wallet.

Fearless Wallet will support the SORA Polkadot parachain crowdloan, running from the 23rd of September 2023 to the 10th of January 2024. Similar to the previous batch of crowdloans, contributor rewards will be 0.1337gr of synthetic Gold (Kensetsu Gold) for every DOT contributed. More information on the Kensetsu project is available in the SORA Ecosystem Updates.

📱 Mobile 📱

🍎 iOS:

Several hot-fix builds have been released, namely v3.0.3 and v3.0.4. The releases targeted:

✅ Fixed transfers on the Moonbeam chain

✅ Updated balance logic for EVM chains

✅ Improved APY calculation for SORA Staking

✅ Enhanced unstaking period information

In progress

✅ NFT ERC 1155 transfers on Ethereum and Polygon chains

✅ Wallet Connect integration brush up and preparation for the next release

✅ SORA Staking updates: reward histories and calculations are being improved, along with the pending payouts feature

✅ Updating the overall UX to fix the floating balances issue

🤖 Android:

In progress

✅ NFT ERC 721 & 1155 support

✅ Wallet Connect integration

✅ Updating general UX to fix the floating balances issue

🖥 Desktop 🖥️

Build v2.0.1 was released on October 4th, containing the following updates:

💪 Multi-EVM network support: Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, and Polygon are available

💪 Improved onboarding flow

💪 Innovative and up-to-date network management flow

💪 Multi-chain state for the “Asset details screen”

💪 Wallet Connect integration to add compatibility with EVM-based dApps is almost finished

💪 SORA relay chain staking: user cases implementation. It’s really close to the testing stage!

📚Insights and Tutorials 📚

How to Polka-swap on Fearless Wallet | Tutorial

Ever wondered how to seamlessly swap #SORA network assets on the move?

With Fearless Wallet, it’s simpler than you think! Enjoy a quick and smooth exchange of SORA assets directly from your Fearless Wallet mobile app.

P.S.: The feature is also available on the Fearless Wallet browser extension!

Check it out

Fearless XOR Staking | The Advanced Guide

We’ve recently introduced an essential guide on staking XOR in Fearless Wallet. It is based on your questions and feedback, and this advanced XOR staking guide covers:

  • How staking rewards are determined by validators, with factors like the commission percentage influencing the payout amount.
  • How validators initiate payouts and how you can also trigger them for all nominators, albeit by paying transaction fees.
  • How to conveniently switch validators in Fearless Wallet, as well as some essential details to consider that will help select the best validator to nominate.

📑 Check it out

And let us know your thoughts! If you like it, share it with your fellow nominators!

🤝Collaborations and future initiatives 🤝

🤝 Co-Ambassador Program: We have been actively developing the Co-Ambassador Program, a key initiative in this effort.

🤝 Collaboration and Opportunities: We’ve proactively engaged in opportunity meetings with various ecosystems, exploring collaboration possibilities and paving the way for exciting new ventures.

🤝 Astar dApp Staking Proposal: Our team has meticulously prepared a compelling proposal for Astar dApp staking. We’re actively engaging with Astar stakeholders, aiming to secure their approval and further enhance our ecosystem.

🤝 GRIC2023 Tokyo Application: We’ve recently submitted an application to participate in the prestigious Growth Industry Conference in Tokyo, GRIC2023. This represents an important step toward unlocking global opportunities and fearlessly expanding our reach.

🤝 Networking with the Benqi DeFi Protocol on Avalanche: Our recent meeting with the Benqi Network was highly productive, providing us with valuable insights and strengthening our network in the blockchain space.

🤝 Language Localization Enhancement: As part of our ongoing efforts to improve the user experience, we’ve made significant enhancements to English localization. This will help us better serve a wider, global audience.

🤝 Gemie Metaverse integration: We’re making notable progress in entering in Gemie Metaverse, a development that promises to open new and exciting opportunities for our ecosystem.

If you missed the previous updates: October 4 / September 18 / August 31 / August 18 / July 28 / July 4 / June 16.

About Fearless Wallet

Fearless Wallet is a bespoke mobile wallet designed for the decentralized future on the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems, with native support for iOS and Android platforms. It provides a thrilling user experience, fast performance, and secure storage for your accounts. Fearless Wallet will integrate Polkaswap for easy, decentralized swaps of assets.

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Fearless Wallet
Fearless Wallet

Fearless Wallet is designed especially for the DeFi future on Polkadot and Kusama. iOS and Android native apps, the best UX, fast performance, secure accounts.