Sometimes it’s ok to go it alone

Published in
2 min readAug 26, 2018

Sometimes there’s solace in going it alone.

Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

There’s something nice, and nerve-racking, about going alone to a coffee shop to read or work.

Will there be enough tables?
Will I get a table by myself?
Will a loud couple be sitting next to me?
Will people think I’m weird?
Oh sweet, a free table.
Cool, it’s not that loud.
Well, the music is a little loud but I can deal with it.
Are people looking at me? No?
Ok, cool, this is nice! I should do this more often.

There’s also solace, and uncertainty, in showing up as a single to the golf course.

What if I get paired with a stranger?
I mean I’m sure they’d be nice.
But what if they’re not?
Better yet, what if they just want to make small talk about golf?
I’m all game for talking, but let me hear about your life, bud.|
Ugh, what if I’m grouped up with three college buddies?
What if they’re loud and obnoxious?
Oh, awesome, the starter is letting me go out alone.
This is wonderful! I should do this more often.

These are just two simple examples, but there’s a lot to learn in these moments.

Sometimes, going it alone can be a temporary break from the craziness of our lives and the people who fill it.

Sometimes, we do get paired with strangers at our table or in our golf group. Sometimes, we meet wonderful people.

But it’s ok to have this time alone too. In fact, it’s rejuvenating.

Consider that same viewpoint for others too.

Sometimes, all it takes is confronting fear.

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