Noah Silliman on Unsplash

Winning racehorses

Published in
2 min readSep 13, 2018


If you had a graceful, powerful thoroughbred, would you run him seven days a week, 365 days a year?Of course, you wouldn’t.

You’d train him effectively and build him up over time, only pushing to peak performance when it was required. But you’d also cherish his abilities and rest him when he needed it most.

A friend of mine uses this same metaphor to run his business. He grew up on a horse farm and knows first hand that you can’t push a fine racehorse every day and expect consistent results.

The same goes for your best employees, managers and even the owners.

When busy season hits for his business, his team grinds it out and does what’s best for the company. But when grind season is no longer required, they take a step back. If they pushed full throttle year round, he wouldn’t have any employees left and would be exhausted himself.

Being the best at your work is important. Sprinting hard and peak performance are essential. But don’t forget about the marathon.

Winning racehorses are strong in a sprint but far more valuable in the long run.

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