Airbnb Importance Performance Satisfaction Results

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4 min readApr 5, 2017

Since we’ve wrapped up our Airbnb pilot program, Feat is now on the hunt to track impact from a holistic point of view. That means getting participant feedback about their experience, but also analyzing company benefits and the success of the Feat pilot. One way to understand the outcome of a program like Feat is Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). It’s used to measure how people feel about the quality of service they have received and the effectiveness of certain characteristics of a program.

Feat first implemented the use of IPA with the Barilla program in order to make decisions and prioritize resources by identifying the level of importance and satisfaction clients associate with specific attributes of Feat. For Airbnb, a survey asking for importance and satisfaction ratings on a scale of 1 to 5 was responded to by 30 participants (about 25% of the overall participants) asking for input in nine categories:

  • Rewards
  • Increased health consciousness
  • Working, playing as a team
  • Technology for an improved lifestyle
  • Motivation
  • Company care
  • Pleasant working environment
  • Entertainment
  • Tracking

From survey data, IPA uses a pair of coordinate axis to evaluate importance (y-axis) and performance (x-axis) and make deductions based on the data. The graph is thus divided into four quadrants to represent a characterization of the program.

Quadrant A: Concentrate here // high importance, low performance

Attributes in this quadrant demand immediate attention and highlight where the main focal points should be in creating a next possible iteration of a similar program.

For Airbnb, rewards were ranked as the most important aspect of the program yet their satisfaction was only average. Feedback from participants tells us that the rewards offered were well planned and implemented, but many teams (and therefore individuals) never had the chance to experience the rewards.

Quadrant B: Keep up with the good work // high importance, high performance

Attributes in this quadrant indicate high satisfaction and value. They should be repeated in next possible iterations.

Attention to health consciousness ranked the second highest in importance after rewards and the survey shows that participants felt satisfied with their increased attention to a healthy lifestyle. Survey feedback shows that Feat assists in creating an environment that promotes wellness.

Quadrant C: Low priority // low importance, low performance

Attributes in this quadrant do not require as much emphasis or attention, as participants find them to be not important nor satisfactory.

Quadrant C had the most attention with the Airbnb pilot program. This could mean that participants didn’t feel entirely engaged to certain attributes, or that some of the goals of Feat, such as improving the work environment, motivating participants and creating a fun working atmosphere, and feeling cared for by the company weren’t deemed important by participants, nor were they highly evident. In the future, Feat will work to emphasize these aspects (Pleasant working environment, Motivation, Company Care, Entertainment) in hopes to further engage participants.

Not unexpected was Tracking coming in last in satisfaction and importance. Participant feedback told us that tracking technology needs to be improved, however it is not a huge concern of participants since they see potential for tracking with alternative methods.

Quadrant D: Possible overkill // low importance, high performance

Attributes in this quadrant imply that resources have been wasted on strengthening potentially unnecessary attributes and in next possible iterations these attributes would be better implemented elsewhere

The attributes in this quadrant, Technology for improving lifestyle and Working, playing as a team, are really borderline with quadrant C. Because team building is ranked as the third most important attribute but remains in the middle of the satisfaction quadrant, Feat realizes the need to further promote this attribute in coming iterations. It’s important to us that teams have fun, and that their enthusiasm carries over into the work realm.


Using IPA combined with open survey responses, Feat understood the importance of having an efficient pilot program without technological barriers. Individuals expressed dissatisfaction with the tracking aspect of the pilot which led to rewards being inaccessible. A rupture like this in the process of the program can provide unsatisfactory results for teammates and staff. In general, Feat sees positive feedback from the program and will use these results to keep expanding, refining and moving forward!



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Sharing the Feat experience from behind the scenes.