Feat.Corp for Airbnb

Published in
2 min readNov 11, 2016

Feat has never been about a single thought or idea, it’s always been about creating, expanding and involving. Before Feat was a business, or an App, it was simply a vision for a future where healthy choices are easy choices. Where good food and physical activity come together. Where community is formed and people anywhere and everywhere can transform positive habits into real rewards to become healthier and happier.

That’s why the expansion of Feat.Corp is so exciting! This year we launched a pilot program in Barilla’s Parma’s headquarters. We involved 200 employees in a 3 month trial with goals to make the workspace a more active and good food oriented place. And we succeeded! Now, Feat launches its second pilot program across the ocean in Airbnb headquarters. The Feat.Corp program has been offered to the entire engineering division and up to 200 employees will be able to participate.

It’s exciting to see the Feat vision come to life inside a company that shares so many of Feat’s ideals. Airbnb is an international brand with headquarters in San Francisco but local members spread across the globe. It’s a company that truly supports and promotes the wellbeing of their employees. Getting to know them inside the California headquarters we understand that they value attributes like optimism, creativity, problem-solving, flexibility, and authenticity in their workforce. The teams and employees we are in touch with are motivated, passionate and willing to take on new challenges! Airbnb asks their employees to “embrace the adventure” and to “perpetuate belonging,”exactly what we strive to do at Feat: build a new community adventures.

Airbnb headquarters

From November 21st to January 9th participating employees will have a chance to be rewarded for their healthy actions. Our objective is build engagement, team-building, overall workplace wellness and achieve corporate social responsibility for the company. Over the course of the program, participants will be able to earn digital coins (to be redeemed in food or food experience rewards) by completing steps or demonstrating healthy sleep patterns (more than 7 hours a night). Each participant will receive a wearable to track sleep and steps, the Feat.Corp mobile app (customized for Airbnb), an individual consultancy to understand personal goals and pre-program habits. They’ll be split into random teams, allowing people that might not otherwise cross paths to work towards shared goals. With Feat.Corp we hope to increase employee happiness and wellbeing; increase food awareness, interest and knowledge; increase active lifestyle interest and adoption and increase team-building. Feat will be taking care to track metrics and data to show employee habit changes over time and prove Social Return on Investment for Airbnb as well as improved employee well-being.

Ready. Set. Go! Follow along for updates from our AirbnBb adventure!



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Sharing the Feat experience from behind the scenes.