Growth Strategy: Incentives

Gregory Worrall
The Feather Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2017

“Building an email list is the single best way to communicate with your audience, period.” - Ryan Holiday

Email addresses are undeniably the most frictionless way of obtaining a lead & to the majority of businesses, their mailing lists are at the heart of their businesses, directly contributing to their customers regular activity and their generated revenue each month.

Therefore, naturally, email address acquisition is at the heart of most growth strategies because email address acquisition is truly the lead generation for the SaaS era.

Incentivising your mailing list subscriptions starts your marketing efforts on the right foot by opening up a two-way relationship between you and your subscribers.

Invision’s T-Shirt Campaign

At Feather, we use our own tool, Feather Incentives to handle the giving away of our growth hacking e-book. This helps us grow our mailing list, Pilot, which is incredibly important to drive recurring traffic to our website.

Giving away an enticing reward in exchange for acquiring a lead is an amazing potential growth engine.

Feel free to get inventive and share your creative implementations of an incentive strategy in the comments section.

