Sound Healing 101: A Highly Accessible Source for Change

MeraBaid Kaur
Published in
3 min readNov 10, 2019


A healing modality fit for most abilities and beliefs

Photo by Manja Vitolic on Unsplash

I learned out of desperation that alternative healing works well for me when the medical establishment has not. I went to doctors and treatment facilities that didn’t restore the mental (and physical) capabilities I knew I should be able to reclaim. I was fortunate in a way, to have only myself and the internet to lead me down the rabbit hole.

I was additionally fortunate to find myself in training that introduced me to some beautiful forms of healing, including sound healing. I’d always loved music and used it to regulate my moods, but listening to my favorite rock, soul, folk or jazz albums only got me so far. I also appreciate spiritual music but that still only got me to a precipice of emotional sensitivity.

Sound healing helped me work through and stabilize my emotions in my early 20’s. Chanting, kirtan, mantra, and more advanced tools stemming from sound. I was taught to facilitate sessions for seekers, but I mostly used these techniques to heal myself.

I find myself sad sometimes at the suffering I see. I know first-hand that physical and mental health struggles can be spiritually crippling. I’ve found health issues merge within the entirety of the body and a person’s experiences, including the will and…



MeraBaid Kaur

Writer, work/wellness coach, educator, free-spirited mom. I believe in the village.