7 Advice that can make you Rich

Published in
3 min readNov 20, 2021

From Warren Buffet, an American business magnate.

1. Advice on Friendship

Hanging out with people better than you are considered to be the ease most method to shift your mindset higher and drift in that direction. This coincides with the saying,

“If you hang out with 5 fools, you’ll be the sixth one and if you hang out with 5 rich people, you’ll be the sixth one.”

2. Advice on Patience

Sometimes, the talent and efforts you make don’t matter but your patience for your time to get hit matters a lot. It is a cycle by which the world works, and some things take their time to shine in the light. You can’t produce a baby in one month by making nine women pregnant is the best example of this saying.

Photo by Marii Siia on Unsplash

3. Advice on Expectation

The best ever gift you could receive from someone is Honesty, which has become endangered in the current times. But, never expect it from cheap people, which leads to pure disappointment.

4. Advice on Savings

Most people misunderstand the meaning of savings as stacking the remain of cash after spending from the paycheck. But, Buffet insists to spend the remains after saving a fixed quantity, which could give a better result comparatively.

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5. Advice on Spending

The habit of buying things that you don't need happens to be the biggest mistake of going bankrupt soon. If you do that, soon you’ll be forced to sell things you need the most. Before buying, give yourself a 7-day waiting time and then decide you really need that or not. In most times, it won’t matter after 7 days that could save massive money.

6. Advice on Taking Risks

Not taking risks is the biggest risk. But, it should be in a measured way. Never test the depth of the river with both feet, if it takes you in, you have no idea how to survive. Measured risks are a better option to consider.

Photo by Jakob Dalbjörn on Unsplash

7. Advice on Earnings

If your salary is your only source of income, you’re just one step away from poverty. In the current generation, relying on a single source of income is not a good decision. Invest your money to create a second source.

Following these billion-dollar takeaways are the key factors that can make you rich, irrespective of your current economic status.

