7 Lessons that COVID taught our Society

Published in
3 min readNov 4, 2021
Photo by Maxime on Unsplash

1. WFH makes no difference

Until the start of our pandemic, every employer was not comfortable with letting their employees take WFH (Work From Home). But, when the situation forced them to adapt to the new normal, it didn’t make any difference from WFO (Work From Office).

2. Realized Necessity Vs Luxury

We didn’t have a clear definition between real needs and unwanted luxuries until the pandemic hit us. But when there was a shortage of every necessity, we started to realize the real needs, which had a very huge difference from our previous lifestyle.

3. Pleasure of Nostalgia

I can remember when we were purely out of the entertainment zone, we found our traditional games to play with our family and spend quality time with them.

That time phase completed made us feel the value of nostalgia that gave us immense pleasure.

4. Parents are just older kids

To be honestly frank, we have spent maximum time with our parents during this pandemic like never before. And personally, all I observed was they are just an elder version of us who has both good and bad experience which makes them tough. They too have a childish mind and it comes out when they are free from their struggles.

5. Re-evaluate our lives

Taking a break from routine is not even considered as an atom-sized thought when we were running to complete the target of the day or the month. But unfortunately, nature forced us to re-evaluate our lives and make a check on the purpose of our life.

Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash

That thinking has changed today’s life of many people depending on either positive or negative.

6. Culture can be altered

When we had everything little thing sufficiently, we had great importance to our cultural beliefs. But, when things went out of hand, we started to think for our needs than our beliefs. Many started reducing their contribution to the cultural importance and commenced to lead a practical life by fulfilling their own needs.

7. Only changes are constant

We would have heard of these lines many times in books, or said by great personalities, or somewhere around the world. I personally felt and realized its impact only during this pandemic.

A life we didn’t even think of, took over us and we too adapted so quickly to live in its way. That’s not at all a simple thing, but the way it drives us is purely amazing.

Thank you for every beautiful heart for reading this article.

May you have a happy day!!

