A Comprehensive Guide to Customizing Your Ubuntu Desktop Environment

Published in
3 min readMay 28, 2024


Ubuntu is renowned for its user-friendly interface and robust performance, but did you know that you can customize your desktop environment to suit your preferences and workflow even further? From changing themes and icons to tweaking system settings, Ubuntu offers a plethora of customization options to make your desktop truly your own. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to personalize your Ubuntu desktop environment to enhance productivity and aesthetics.

1. Choosing Your Desktop Environment:

Ubuntu offers different desktop environments, each with its unique look and feel. The default desktop environment for Ubuntu is GNOME, known for its sleek design and intuitive interface. However, you can also opt for other desktop environments like KDE Plasma, Xfce, or Cinnamon, depending on your preferences. To install a different desktop environment, you can use the terminal or Software Center, then select your preferred environment from the login screen.

2. Customizing Themes and Icons:

Changing themes and icons is one of the simplest ways to personalize your Ubuntu desktop. You can choose from a variety of pre-installed themes and icon sets or download additional ones from the internet. To customize your theme, navigate to the “Settings” app, select “Appearance,” and choose your desired theme and icon set. You can also fine-tune individual aspects like window borders, fonts, and cursor style to match your aesthetic preferences.

3. Installing GNOME Shell Extensions:

GNOME Shell Extensions are small plugins that add extra functionality and customization options to the GNOME desktop environment. You can install extensions to add features like a system monitor, weather forecast, application launcher, and much more. To install GNOME Shell Extensions, you’ll need to enable the GNOME Shell Extensions website in your web browser and install the GNOME Tweaks tool from the Software Center. From there, you can browse and install extensions directly from your browser or GNOME Tweaks.

4. Tweaking System Settings:

Ubuntu offers a range of system settings that you can tweak to optimize your desktop environment. From adjusting display resolution and orientation to configuring keyboard shortcuts and touchpad gestures, you can customize various aspects of your system to streamline your workflow. To access system settings, open the “Settings” app and explore the different categories such as Devices, Displays, Keyboard, and Power.

5. Adding Custom Widgets and Applets:

The GNOME desktop environment supports custom widgets and applets that you can add to your desktop or panel for quick access to information and functionality. You can add widgets for displaying weather forecasts, system resource usage, calendar events, and more. To add custom widgets, simply right-click on the desktop or panel, select “Add Widgets” or “Add Applets,” and choose from the available options.

6. Customizing the Terminal:

If you’re a power user who spends a lot of time in the terminal, customizing the terminal can significantly improve your workflow. You can change the terminal’s color scheme, font size, and transparency to make it more visually appealing and easier to read. Additionally, you can customize bash prompts, aliases, and keyboard shortcuts to streamline your command-line experience.

7. Exploring Third-Party Customization Tools:

In addition to built-in customization options, there are several third-party tools and utilities available for customizing your Ubuntu desktop environment. For example, you can use tools like Unity Tweak Tool, Albert Launcher, Plank, and Conky to further personalize your desktop and add extra functionality. These tools provide additional customization options and features that may not be available in the default Ubuntu settings.


Customizing your Ubuntu desktop environment allows you to tailor your workspace to suit your preferences and workflow. Whether you’re a casual user looking to add a personal touch to your desktop or a power user seeking to optimize productivity, Ubuntu offers a wealth of customization options to explore. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a desktop environment that is both visually stunning and highly functional, making your Ubuntu experience truly one-of-a-kind. So go ahead, unleash your creativity, and customize your Ubuntu desktop today!

