Are you ready for SSH ?

Priyanka C
Published in
3 min readMar 17, 2021

If the first thing that comes to your mind when you read SSH is Secure Shell , then technically you are correct but that’s not what this article is about.

Right now SSH means Student Side Hustle ! Yes, you read it right. At Featurepreneur, you can make micro passive income while you study.

Featurepreneur community is a part of Tactii where young talents are nourished through games and fun. Mentors teach students who soon grab the position of mentor who then train next set of students and this cycle goes on. This platform is not only about learning. It encourages students to speak up and be confident with themselves. Their motivation boosts up when they learn about trendy technologies that only 2% of the population would know. It equips them well enough to handle industrial level challenges. And the most important of all is they get to have lots and lots of fun. Now who wouldn’t want that ?

The question arises how to earn. There are many levels to become a mentor where each level helps you earn tact coins for the sessions one conducts. The highlight of this entire internship is not just earning these coins but it’s also about the several scholarships one would get for each level. For every work that you contribute to Featurepreneur you would earn tact coins which will then be converted to the respective currency. You can easily win coins by participating in events that happen weekly. These events bring all the students together under the same platform , play games with each other and compete to win coins.

The following are the benefits applicable only for active Featurepreneur. Talk to us to get know whether you are an active Featurepreneur or not!

Student mentors

Best performer from intern can be mentor.

Industrial Strength

Trending technologies will be taught. We will share our industrial requirements for you to be trained before you train the students.

Mac dream

Every year , Mac book would be released to one among the community.

Education Fund

A special fund will be allocated for education purpose. Terms and condition apply.

Linux Insurance

In case of any failure due to ubuntu installation, you can claim insurance. Terms and condition apply.

Canadian Researchers & Research values

If you out perform our expectation and prove your skills, you can work with Canadian researcher.

Royalty Payment for top 5–10% Apps

Successful apps will get the royal payment like 100 INR per run/month (conditions apply).

Regular AMA with Researchers

You will get to meet the researchers/ML Experts bi-weekly and improve your ML skills.

Weekly report card

We are planning to create a report card for all Featurepreneur and mentors. This will be used to showcase better for the students and employers.

ML Articles, ML Feeds

We are planning to send ML Feeds (2 feeds per day) through web app or mobile app. Your subscription will be free as a mentor.

200$ -1000$ CAD research fund for papers

Every year, we will be allocating budge to fund the research papers. As a mentor you can work on the research paper and you might be eligible to get this fund approved.

Paid Research programs

If you find any research program online, you can let us know. Based on the available budget, we will fund your program. It can be scholarship or loan (with 0% interest) where you need to pay back within 4 years.

Employed by our clients

As we are increasing our client base, you might have a chance to get hired by our clients.

Dream Loan

This dream loan is applicable only for education related upgrades.

Random Gift cards

We will issue random gift cards for our mentors based on the available budget. This is to nurture the mentor community.

Random Challenge and Gift cards

We run random challenges and issue gift cards for whoever finished the challenge.

Random Events and Gift cards

We conduct random tech/non-tech events and you will have higher chances to win gift cards through these random events.

The only thing which will stop you from getting into this community is your ignorance to learn and reluctance to have fun. If you don’t agree then join us soon for an exciting journey of knowledge and pleasure.



Priyanka C

To creating my own magic and discipline so that I can reach heights that I always dream of and more.