Celery — Not that hard, believe me

Talha Abdur Rahman
Published in
2 min readAug 18, 2021

When I first came across a problem where the obvious solution was to set up an async architecture.

But, the problem, this isn’t javascript for me to just use an await function, no wait, was it the promise method or maybe the callback async, omg, just forgot about it

my point being, Celery has the solution to all your time problems, an independent worker system setup to handle all your functions, with the added benefit of multiprocessing.

The only question now is, how do i get started with it, well, you could try to follow along a youtube video (some people are really into that), or what you can do is, write a docker-compose file to do just the thing for you

This is simple celery based flask setup, but the most important thing here is the docker-compose.yml file, it has all that you need to run a flask app with celery configured with Redis for broker and backend, and a flower UI integrated to keep an eye on your tasks or maybe even use it as an API to get task state.

Check port 8500 for your app and port 5555 for the Flower UI

So, should you ever need an amazing async architecture with scalability and ease, you know where to look

