Choosing the Right OS for Web Development: Windows vs Linux

Mohammed Aadil
Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2024

When it comes to web development, the choice of operating system (OS) can significantly impact your workflow and productivity. In this article, we’ll compare the pros and cons of using Windows and Ubuntu for web development, considering factors such as performance, compatibility, and ease of use.


Windows: Windows is known for its user-friendly interface and broad compatibility with software applications. However, Ubuntu often outperforms Windows in web development tasks due to its lightweight nature and efficient resource management.

Ubuntu: Ubuntu is renowned for its stability, security, and performance. It is often the preferred choice for web servers and development environments due to its efficient resource usage and robust performance.


Windows: Windows has excellent compatibility with a wide range of software applications and development tools. However, Ubuntu offers robust compatibility with many open-source development tools and frameworks, making it ideal for web development.

Ubuntu: Ubuntu offers broad compatibility with popular open-source development tools and frameworks, making it a preferred choice for web development. Additionally, Ubuntu’s package manager, apt, simplifies the installation of development dependencies.

Ease of Use:

Windows: Windows provides a user-friendly interface and seamless integration with hardware devices, making it accessible for beginners. However, some advanced development tasks may require additional configuration or third-party tools.

Ubuntu: Ubuntu offers a customizable and command-line-driven environment, allowing developers to tailor their workflow to their specific needs. While Ubuntu may have a steeper learning curve for beginners, it offers more flexibility and control over the development environment.

Comparing Setup Commands:

Windows (using Chocolatey):

# Install Node.js
choco install nodejs

# Install Git
choco install git

# Install Docker Desktop
choco install docker-desktop

Ubuntu (using apt package manager):

# Install Node.js
sudo apt install nodejs

# Install Git
sudo apt install git

# Install Docker
sudo apt install


Ultimately, the choice between Windows and Ubuntu for web development depends on your specific needs, preferences, and familiarity with the operating system. However, considering Ubuntu’s superior performance, compatibility, and customization options, it stands out as the ideal OS for web development.



Mohammed Aadil

Web Developer | Back End, and API Integration | Passionate about expanding knowledge in DevOps, Blockchain, AI/ML, and Data Science.