Commit Chronicles: Telling Your Code’s Story with Great Messages

S Deepika Sri
Published in
3 min readMay 31, 2024


In the world of version control, commit messages serve as the history of a project. They tell the story of how a project has evolved, what changes were made, and why. Good commit messages are crucial for maintaining a clear and understandable project history, making collaboration easier, and simplifying the process of tracking down bugs. This article explores the art of writing good commit messages, offering guidelines and examples to help you master this essential skill.

The Importance of Good Commit Messages

Commit messages are more than just a note attached to a code change; they are a form of communication with your team and your future self. Well-written commit messages:

  1. Enhance Collaboration: Clear messages make it easier for team members to understand the changes made and the reasons behind them.
  2. Improve Code Review: Reviewers can quickly grasp the purpose of a commit, making the review process more efficient.
  3. Simplify Debugging: When bugs arise, detailed commit messages help in tracing the history of changes, making it easier to identify when and why a particular change was made.
  4. Facilitate Project Management: Good commit messages can be linked to project management tools, tracking progress and ensuring that all changes align with project goals.

The Anatomy of a Good Commit Message

A good commit message typically consists of three parts:

  1. Subject Line: A brief summary of the change, ideally 50 characters or less.
  2. Body: A detailed explanation of what and why, wrapped at 72 characters per line.
  3. Footer: Optional, for any additional information like issue trackers or breaking changes.

Subject Line

  • Keep it concise: Summarize the change in a few words.
  • Use the imperative mood: Start with a verb, as if you’re giving a command (e.g., “Fix bug in user login”).
  • Capitalize the first letter: Maintain a consistent style.


  • Explain the What and Why: Describe what was changed and why the change was necessary.
  • Provide Context: Include any relevant background information.
  • Keep it Wrapped: Wrap lines at 72 characters for better readability.


  • Link to Issues: Reference any relevant issue numbers (e.g., “Fixes #123”).
  • Note Breaking Changes: Mention if the commit introduces any breaking changes (e.g., “BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed user to account").

Examples of Good Commit Messages

Example 1: Fixing a Bug

Fix user login issue

The user login was failing when the username included special characters.
This was due to incorrect escaping of input strings. Updated the input
sanitization logic to handle special characters properly.

Fixes #456

Example 2: Adding a New Feature

Add support for user profile pictures

Implemented a new feature that allows users to upload and display profile
pictures. Updated the user model, added a file upload handler, and modified
the user interface to include the profile picture display.

Example 3: Refactoring Code

Refactor user authentication module

Reorganized the user authentication code to improve readability and
maintainability. Extracted helper functions into a separate utility
module and updated unit tests accordingly. No functional changes.

Best Practices for Writing Commit Messages

  1. Be Clear and Concise: Ensure your message is easy to understand at a glance.
  2. Use the Imperative Mood: This keeps messages consistent and action-oriented.
  3. Separate Changes: Commit only related changes together. Separate unrelated changes into different commits.
  4. Review Before Committing: Take a moment to review your commit message before finalizing it. Ensure it accurately reflects the changes made.
  5. Follow Project Conventions: Adhere to any specific commit message guidelines provided by your project or team.


Writing good commit messages is a skill that benefits everyone involved in a project. It enhances communication, simplifies code reviews, aids in debugging, and supports project management. By following the guidelines and examples provided in this article, you can contribute to a clearer, more maintainable project history. Commit messages may seem small, but their impact is significant—commit to making them great.

