Faker — A tool you didn’t know you needed

Talha Abdur Rahman
Published in
1 min readAug 17, 2021

How often have you found yourselves scouring the internet for absolutely meaningless data, maybe you just wanted a list of names or addresses for testing something or the other, or maybe even wanted this huge dataset of info on random people.

Well, fear not, Faker is just the package for all your fake needs (no pun intended), a python package published on our old reliable friend PyPi, Faker is a module that generates pseudo-realistic data, extremely customizable and incredibly fast.

And, it’s quite easy to use as well, watch this;

from faker import Faker
fake = Faker()

# 'Dani Razooqi'

# '426 Jordy Lodge
# Cartwrightshire, SC 88120-6700'

# 'French Fries are not actually from France, they originate from Belgium'

And its installation is just as easy

pip install Faker

and boom, that’s it, the next time you are looking for meaningless data, Faker got you covered

